Thirteenth festival of Bengali

Thirteenth festival of Bengali

Thirteenth festival of Bengali

Over a long period of planting experience, we have seen that less than one tenth of the total number of trees planted survives. Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required. Responding to the call of Shantipur Science Club on 6-7-18, more than twenty organizations of Shantipur participated in a new festival called Bonparvan. Another new festival of remembrance has been added to the calendar of the beloved Bengali! The organizations present adopted a tree sapling with a tub for five people each Named in the memory of a loved one, those people keep the children at home for a year with utmost affection and respect and raise the children. Forest Festival Adoption Festival in 2016, Planting Festival of Adolescents who grew up in 2016. Of the 65 adopted last year, 64 are now adults This year, the planting season is going on in four stages The organizations that have successfully completed the planting season and entered the celebration season are 7 1 Nadia Senjuti Prakriti Vidyashram २॥ Nadia's epoch-making message 3 Shantipur Rangpeeth 4 Lions Club, Shantipur 5 Shantipur crew And॥ Shantipur Science Club The next two stages will participate in the planting phase 1 Shantipur Mystic २॥ Shantipur Cultural 3 Shantipur toilet 4 Roy Coaching Center 5 Shantipur connection ॥ Shantipur Purnima Milni And Shantipur light year In the coming 2019, there will be a forest festival again in the rainy season Besides, charabili program is being taken among school students and villagers every year The idea of ​​forest festival is spreading in the direction A tree planting program is being taken from Raiganj to Medinipur forest festival An organization in Shantipur is planting trees in the name of friends However, while writing the names of loved ones in the forest festival dedication letter, the connection company of Shantipur has written the names of these five people - mountains, sea, soil, rain and sunshine! The forest festival has therefore become another name for the festival of survival